Ce que vous devez savoir avant de déménager à Dubaï

Moving to Dubai can seem like a daunting task at first, but armed with the right information, you’ll find it’s now easier than ever. Here are a few basic facts to keep you informed on Dubai.


Dubai is just one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is additionally the name of the primary city within the emirate of Dubai.

Dubai’s riches were built on its oil industry, but it has very quickly and efficiently expanded the economy to make sure that today it has several strands supporting its monetary stamina – consisting of tourism, real estate, financial services, health, wellness, and education.


His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the leader of Dubai and takes very good care of the emirate’s residents.

Foreign buyers are allowed to possess the freehold title to certain homes in Dubai. This is not the case in all other emirates within the UAE. For this reason, investors are now rushing to buy apartments and villas across the aptly named “City of Gold.”

Dubai has come to be a very popular selection for expats for a number of reasons:

First of all, Dubai has shown massive resilience when it comes to global economic turmoil, time and time again. Regardless of the Covid 19 situation, or the emirate’s economic tightening which struck the world in 2008, Dubai still boasts a flourishing economy with an abundance of employment prospects, along with a booming property market.


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